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Igatu Filtros Para Água Ind E Com Ltda

Wholesale Trade Durable Goods

Igatu-Filtros-Para-gua-Ind-E-Com-Ltdawith is a Brazilian company that provides water filtration systems. They specialize in industrial and commercial water filtration solutions. Their website,, has a full range of products and services to fit any customer's needs.


Igatu Filtros Para Água Ind E Com Ltda Information


Rua Padre Miguel Eugênio 45 Vila íris Santa Luzia, Minas Gerais33040211 Brazil

Contact Number



$1 Million - $10 Million

No of Employees


NAICS code


SIC code


Social media


Wholesale Trade Durable Goods Wholesale

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Igatu Filtros Para Água Ind E Com Ltda Industry Categories

Wholesale Trade Durable Goods Wholesale

Frequently Asked Questions About Igatu Filtros Para Água Ind E Com Ltda

FAQ About Igatu Filtros Para Água Ind E Com Ltda

Igatu Filtros Para Água Ind E Com Ltda's website is

Igatu Filtros Para Água Ind E Com Ltda's location is Rua Padre Miguel Eugênio 45 Vila íris Santa Luzia, Minas Gerais33040211 Brazil .

Igatu Filtros Para Água Ind E Com Ltda's SIC code is 50.

Igatu Filtros Para Água Ind E Com Ltda's NAICS code is 42 .

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