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ISCO Industries, LLC

Heavy Construction

ISCO Industries was established in 1962 by Jim Kirchdorfer Sr. as the Irrigation Supply Co., a company that originally specialized in underground golf course irrigation. In 1975, the family-owned company became a distributor of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe, evolving into ISCO, an HDPE pipe, and fitting specialist. Today, ISCO is one of the total piping solutions company with more than 30 facilities in the United States, as well as in Canada and Australia - inventorying large stockpiles of pipe, usually within a one-day delivery of most projects.


ISCO Industries, LLC Information


100 Witherspoon Street 2 West Louisville, KY40202 United States

Contact Number

(502) 583-6591


$50 Million - $100 Million

No of Employees


NAICS code


SIC code


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Heavy Construction Nec Plastics

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ISCO Industries, LLC Industry Categories

Heavy Construction Nec Plastics

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ISCO Industries, LLC's location is 100 Witherspoon Street 2 West Louisville, KY40202 United States .



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