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Golden Shoes

Wholesale Trade Nondurable Goods

Golden Shoes is a family owned and operated shoe store located in beautiful downtown Traverse City, Michigan. The staff at Golden Shoes specializes in the proper fitting of men, women and children. Stocking the finest leathers and classic looks to brightly colored rain boots, the shelves at Goldens are a delightful visual experience; there is truly something for everyone. Golden Shoes is a one-stop-shopping destination for the whole family.


Golden Shoes Information


122 E Front St Traverse City, MI49684 United States

Contact Number

(231) 947-6924


$1 Million - $10 Million

No of Employees


NAICS code


SIC code


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Wholesale Trade Nondurable Goods Apparel & Fashion

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Golden Shoes Industry Categories

Wholesale Trade Nondurable Goods Apparel & Fashion

Frequently Asked Questions About Golden Shoes

FAQ About Golden Shoes

Golden Shoes's website is

Golden Shoes's location is 122 E Front St Traverse City, MI49684 United States .

Golden Shoes's SIC code is 51.

Golden Shoes's NAICS code is 44 .

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